Who Am I?

I'm at the beach.
Burying my ass in the sand.
And it's everywhere.

I love it here.
It's not quiet but it's peaceful.
And we all know I need more peace.

My life has been chaotic.

I've been angry and confused.
Hurt and rejected.
Beaten down to the point of shrinking back.

I have let everyone else tell me who I am.
Or who I'm not.
And I've believed them.

Well I started a book today.
Tailor Made by Alex Seeley
It's about identity.

So here I am.
At the beach.
Tired of the last five months.

 I'm not sure I was ready until now.
To put all the words spoken over me to rest.
To change how I view myself and others.

But it's time.
I asked God.
Who am I?

I listed everything that's been said by others.

are annoying
are too loud
talk too much
need more compassion
are intimidating
are a piece of shit

I listed other things I've believed.

are an accident
are unwanted
are unseen
are second best

And then He counteracted.

Your words are precious and powerful.
You have a tender heart.
You are strong.
You are courageous.
You are a leader and an influencer.
You are a light.
You are no accident.
I created you for such a time as this.

I want you.
I love you.
I will be faithful to you.

And it's the last three that are overwhelming.

That's all I've ever wanted.
